
Sunday, September 29, 2013


"What?" you ask.

A dear friend, Rose, gave me a bag full of balls of wool and old patterns when she was tidying out her house because she had to move into something smaller with family.

One of the pattern books was a Fontana booklet of 11 Baby Cardigans (number 94) in black and white. It had cardigans in 3 and 4 ply wool.
I imagine it is a similar book that perhaps my mother and grandmother would have used to knit cardigans for me when I was small.

But really the designs don't date as its just the colours that dictate the fashion.

I really liked the style called Poppet and thought one of my grand-daughters would enjoy it.

I had some left over pink 4 ply wool from some baby jackets I had made and thought I had enough to make the cardigan. I started on it getting the fronts and back completed within a week, only to discover by the sleeves that I wasn't going to have enough wool. Never mind, I thought, I'll visit Spotlight again thinking as long as I used the new ball for the sleeves it shouldn't be too obvious that it wasn't wool in the same batch number.

However the colour is no longer made. I hunted three spotlight stores, on their website and the website who produce the yarn, Trade Me and even my bags of wool scraps to see if I could find anything the same, but alas no where to be found.

Reluctantly I purchased a ball in the closest colour of the same ply in the same brand. I started with the cuffs in the same colour as the rest of the cardigan and then finished the sleeves in the new colour.

I felt the difference was so obvious but my daughter thought it took a good look to notice.  Even if it just becomes a home or daycare cardigan it will still make her "look a real poppet in it"

I must admit knitting things for little ones give such satisfaction as they don't take a lot of time - as long as you just get on with it!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

A Day to Remember - 35 years

Harry and I have just celebrated our thirty-fifth Wedding Anniversary.

A lovely couple from our church sponsored us to a Family Life, A Day To Remember seminar in Tauranga and then time at their Papamoa home overlooking the beach.

The seminar was held at Mills Reef Winery which meant there was gorgeous food and beautiful surroundings for us to all escape to when we had to complete tasks as part of the programme.

Seminar starts at 9.30am

Morning Sessions
1. Why we drift apart
2. How to grow together
3. Fighting fair


Afternoon Sessions
4. Keeping the spark alive
      5. Leaving a lasting impression

       Seminar concludes at 5pm

Morning and afternoon tea was provided with plenty of tea and coffee available. We choose to go else where for lunch as the menu wasn't quite to our liking. It was an added extra to the seminar so we ended up saving a bit of money.

We went out for an Anniversary meal in the evening as a romantic time together.

Andy and Nikki Bray
Andy and Nikki are the Directors of FL here in NZ. Having joined FL officially in 1994 they have years of experience in the area of marriage and parenting. They are speakers for our FL live events and they have authored 2 books "Treasures in the Darkness" and "First thingsFirst". Nikki is also a weekly presenter for New Zealand's Radio Rhema. They are parents to Olivia (19) and Ben (17) and are enjoying navigating the teenage years.

(They have a 3rd child, Natasha, who died tragically at 16 years old in the Mangatepopo River Tragedy). Natasha's story is recorded on the dvd "Jumping in Puddles".

Graeme and Julie Rickard
Graeme and Julie have been married for 35 years, have 4 adult daughters, and one son in law. They are enjoying the blessings of adult children and their delightful grand children.

They are loving the maturing years of married life and they want to pass on to others the principles of FamilyLife that have strengthened their relationship.  They want to inspire and encourage others to realise their potential to have a great marriage.

The speakers were so encouraging and the whole seminar was lighthearted but very thought provoking and inspired us in many aspects on improving our marriage, yes even after 35 years.

The following day we were able to relax and talk more about all the points that were raised while enjoying the privacy and views from the house we stayed at.

We were able to watch ships out at sea waiting for the tide to turn to come into Tauranga harbour.

Seagulls flew back and froward against the sky and sea.

And we watched as a storm rolled in over the ocean out the window

If you live in New Zealand and ever have the opportunity to go to one of the Family Life weekends or day seminars, I would definitely encourage you to do so. It will certainly do your marriage good.