
Saturday, June 29, 2019

Just For Today

Do you ever have one of those days… or weeks... or maybe even a year?
Well so far this year – yes the first five or six months, have not been the best.
In fact right now I have taken a sip of a cup of Healtheries Chamomile & Vanilla tea and burnt my bottom lip!

Earlier today after making a decision last night about my future I was still not feeling like I was in a good place. I had to run some errands between finishing work late and a JP appointment and as I drove I talked to God. My car CD player no longer works and I think it was something God let happen as I spend a lot of time talking to Him now!

You know all the “stuff” that happens in your life that in most cases you cope with or get through - like entering a tunnel on a train where it is all dark and you finally come back into the light and all is OK even though you knew it would be that way. But from past experiences you’re not sure how long that tunnel is or if there might be a breakdown in it and someone has to come and rescue you.

If you have read my blog you will know my husbands and my history with mental health issues.

With the decision I’ve made things should feel better but I was still troubled. I heard God say, tell me about it… so this is how it went….

“I feel so weak with everything going on.
Too weak to deal with it.
I know that when I am weak You are strong.
I know when I just can’t do it I just have to hand it over to You and that is what You want.
To surrender it all to You.
You want me to say ‘I can’t do it’ because then I let You take control instead of trying to sort it myself.
But in that I still feel I want to know it will be OK.
How do I relax in knowing You are in control
I can’t see it.
I want a sign – assurance.
It’s like I’m stuck in that tunnel
I trust that You only have the best.
That only good is what You have for us who believe.
That I should believe that all will be well.
When I hand it all over to You, and I do.
But there always seems to be a ‘but’
I know my faith should just trust.
There are too many people I love and want the best for.
My family (and I named what I pray for them)
I want to know it will all be well“

God spoke

“Your faith is all you need”

With that I sighed. It’s funny it was like I had been holding my breath – and then let it out.

Later that night I was browsing facebook and saw this post from Ann Voskamp

…just for today -- DO. NOT. WORRY. "Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes." Matt6:34MSG

Just for today: Be a prayer warrior--not a panicked worrier.

Worry is just the facade of taking action -- when prayer really is. Bottom line -- keep breathing deep and give your worries to God -- He'll give you His peace.

His Word gently lifts our chins:
"The Lord bless you & keep you;
the Lord make His face to shine upon you & be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up His countenance upon you & give you peace.” Nu.6

While reading this I had some Hillsong music playing, and an older song I Will Exalt You played

I will exalt You
I will exalt You
I will exalt You
You are my God

My hiding place, my safe refuge
My treasure Lord You are
My friend and King Anointed One
Most Holy

Because You're with me
Because You're with me
Because You're with me
I will not fear

Even though the 'stuff' hasn't really changed - yet - my heart is rested.
Throughout the day God was saying 'all is well.' Right through Facebook kposts and songs I listened to!

Like my lip – it’s sore, but I know in time it will heal and all will be well.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Feijoa and Apple Loaf

I made a banana and feijoa loaf the other day and Daniel asked if I could make an apple and feijoa one. I have plenty of feijoa loaf recipes but I had to go looking for one with apple in.
I found a cake recipe from here and have adapted it to bake as a loaf.
You will need a food processor or kitchen whiz. Not sure how it would work without one.
It definitely has cake consistency to it but is nice eaten in slices.

Feijoa and Apple Loaf 


Skin of 1 orange
1 cup raw sugar
2 large eggs
½ cup white flour
½ tsp ground ginger
1 teaspoon baking soda
Good pinch of tsp salt
½ cup wholemeal flour
¾ cups sliced apple (cored and quartered – skin on – thinly sliced cross-ways)
¾ cups sliced feijoas (skin, halve and slice thinly)
½ cup vegetable oil (not olive – I used canola)


Preheat oven to 180ÂșC.
Grease or line a loaf tin with baking or grease proof paper.
With a potato peeler finely peel the skin from the orange. You don’t want any of the white pith so be careful as you peel.
Place this and the sugar into a processor bowl and pulse until the peel is chopped a bit.
Break the eggs into the orange sugar. Pulse for a few seconds and leave sitting while you assemble other ingredients.
Sift white flour, baking soda, ginger and salt together into a small bowl then gently stir in wholemeal flour. Set aside
Measured sliced feijoas and apple flesh separately.
Process the sugar and egg combo for a further couple of minutes.
With the motor running, dribble the oil very slowly down the feed tube.
Process for another couple of minutes, adding the apple slices.
Remove lid and add half the dry ingredients, pulse, add the remainder and pulse again.
Add the feijoas to the mixture and pulse briefly until just combined.
Spoon mixture into prepared tin and bake for about 45 minutes or until a screw comes out clean.
Allow to cool completely and with serve with icing sugar sprinkled on the top or with a light spread of butter.