
Monday, October 26, 2020

Where do I start?

Some of you will be aware that its nearly a year since I last posted here on my blog.

Others will just have chanced upon here and be none the wiser...

But we all know that 2020 is and will be known as, and I quote Queen Elizabeth II in a speech she made at Guildhall on 24 November 1992, an "annus horribilis"  - meaning "horrible year". 

If you have been living in outer space or closer to the earth in the deepest parts of Africa you may not know that 2020 is the year that the world was infected with COVID-19.

COVID-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. 'CO' stands for corona, 'VI' for virus, and 'D' for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as '2019 novel coronavirus' or '2019-nCoV.'   

For most of us our lives have changed and millions have been infected (at this time the world total is 43,355,163) and many lives have been lost (at the same date 1,159,200). We are now seeing a second wave across the world and some predict it will be with us for another year. [statistics taken from Worldometer]

We wash our hands a lot more than we used to, use hand sanitizer before and after we go in to shops, cafes, appointments etc and keep our distances. We keep records of where we've been and who we have been with and in New Zealand we now use the NZ COVID tracer app. We are reminded to cough and sneeze into our elbow. In the past you went to work when you were unwell after dosing up on some flu relief medication, but now we stay home and check to see if we need a COVID test. So much for the old advertisement slogan "Solider on with Coldral".

I admit this all threw me into a bout of anxiety especially when New Zealand went into 'lockdown' and I felt we were coming out of each level too soon, but it always seem to be OK and the rest of the world looked at New Zealand in awe at what we have achieved.

But 2020 was more than just the stress of COVID for me.

In January we lost my sister Ailsa to bowel cancer.

Mum turned 90 in April but we were in lockdown so it passed uneventfully. We thought we could celebrate her 91st next year instead, but...

In August Mum passed away to be with her Lord and Saviour.

In less than a month our pastor John, who I had worked along side and become very close to as a friend and colleague, passed away too from cancer.

Not to mention another friend who died within a week of that.

So yes this year has been sit (opps missed out the "h"😉) and its only October!

That is why I haven't been up to writing much especially on here. 

Over the last month or so I had a crisis of faith. God remained faithful and took me on a journey, even though at the time, I didn't think He was there at all and I am now on a new path and keen to get back to things again. 

You may wonder "Why the picture at the top?" When I was struggling with it all, I stopped by Lake Taupo on my way home from a trip to Wellington, to see my Dad. As I sat and watched the water, the birds and realized how I was feeling, this tree was just there - all on its own. 

And that was how I felt.

All alone.

But, as I have said, I have come through and the desire to post again was only held back by, "Where do I start?"