
Sunday, April 23, 2023

Mumsey’s Ramblings - Something About Nothing And Everything God Sends Me

For some time now I have been wanting to post a new blog post here but have struggled with what to post. I had wanted to get back to posting on a regular basis and with everything that has been happening to me over the last couple of weeks, couple of months and even a couple of years I haven’t known how or where to start. 

Today was Sunday and as is usual for me I went to church. But that in itself is different for me now as well. We don’t have a minister at the moment but the man who preached today has been doing so on the last Sunday of the month for a few years and so we are very familiar with him. 
He preached on the scripture from Psalm 137 which was made famous by Boney M. 

 1 By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion. 
2 There on the poplars we hung our harps, 
3 for there our captors asked us for songs, our tormentors demanded songs of joy; they said, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!” 
4 How can we sing the songs of the LORD while in a foreign land? 

He shared on how as Christians we should dare to be different in our world today as the world is different. “How can we sing a new song in the strangeness of today?"

Where everyone else is speaking out what they believe and so have a right to believe and speak about it, how do we as Christians, speak out of our faith and belief. Do we not even do so, for fear of being vulnerable, caught out, trapped and even abused for what we say or believe.

He went on to talk about how we have to be new in our thinking and ideas, with encouragement and examples, but the first part struck a chord with me.

Interestingly, after the service, a lady came and spoke to me about some things that had happened recently for me and in conversation said she had been talking to someone and had said, “The Fiona we knew before will never be the same after her accident”. I was a little surprised (inside myself) as I have struggled with this myself and here she was, speaking it out. I know my body is not the same and am finding it really hard to gain the full mobility. But I also know that my faith was cemented in my vision of almost entering heaven and being reassured there is life after death and God is building a room for me there. 

John 14:2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 

I had been through a time of despair over this belief before the accident and God had brought me through, knowing I needed to confront this crisis before I went through the accident.  

But what of now? 

As I mentioned at the beginning some major things have happened. 

A few weeks ago, I was not voted in as an Elder after two terms of three years. This meant I can no longer take the 8.00am Liturgy service, as my Lay Minster license had also lapsed but being an Elder I could.

In January my father (at 93) passed away to be with Jesus and I know his beloved wife. Though I am at peace with that, there are all the emotions that go with it. And now my brothers and I are sorting through the house and the enormous amount of ‘stuff’ that my parents had accumulated over their lives. 

And as I mentioned I am still recovering from my accident which at times makes me extremely tired and sore, along with waiting for my two knee replacement surgeries that have been put back because of that. 

So this is a new post to start again and as my blog is called “Mumsey’s Ramblings - Something about nothing and everything God sends me” you will see all sorts of posts in the future, for my record and for you to see what I’ve been up to.