
My Julie/Julia Attempt

As I have mention in my main blog I have decided to do a Julie/Julia attempt with all my recipes I have collected on bits of paper and from articles in magazines, newspapers, empty packets etc.

I am going to keep as much to the recipe as I can (I have a bit of a habit of substituting and putting my own flare to things) and see what happens. 

I will post the original recipe here and tell you what I did if different and what ‘we’ (poor Katrina is going to be my guinea pig) think of it.

If we decide it’s worth it I will keep it and add it to my recipe book, otherwise it goes in the fire.

Edited to add
It appears that I can't post my recipes on this page of my blog so I have started a new bog just for my Julie/Julia attempt.

Please check this out

My Julie/Julia Attempt.