
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Who is Mumsey?

I am a 54 year old mother of five cherubs (children) aged 19 to 33. Two are married and I have three grandsons and two grand-daughters. My husband and I have been married for 35 years.
[edited September 2013]
I have often been told I have a lot to offer to both the young and old. My cherubs who live away from home often ring, txt or email for advice.

You see I am a home maker at heart although I work part time in our church office. My mother and grandmothers taught me a lot of what I know and I realise that for many, especially in these times, they do not or have not had this privilege.

So to pass this on to whoever wants it or just to jolly you along I have decided to start a blog.

Up Date: 2019 
I have handed in my notice at my job in the church office and will finish in two and a half months
I am now 60, been married to hubby for 41 years and we have five cherubs, and now eight grandchildren.

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