
Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Summer Garden

I have just read the third and final book in the Tatiana and Alexander trilogy by Paullina Simons - The Summer Garden.
At first I found it was just too full of sex if that is possible but after ploughing through the first 300 odd pages a plot started to form and after being encouraged to finish reading it, by my eldest daughter, I am pleased I did.
It was good to sort of finish the 'life' story of Tatiana and Alexander and the family. It was 838 pages so quite a mammoth read but a great sense of satisfaction completing it and the series.
These books cover their lives starting in Russia at the start of WW2 and the love that holds them together keeping them alive as they eventually arrive in America in times of peace.
The other two are...


  1. Oh I cried so much when I finished this book. I haven't gone back to read it again, it would be interesting to see how it would go!

  2. Which one did you cry at? I did with the first one and the second, more with relief, but I didn't at all with The Summer Garden.
