
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tirau WoW

Wow what a weekend. I have been so busy but had a good time.

Tirau WoW [Weekend of Workshops] is a weekend of lots of workshops of varying interests running from Friday to Sunday, some all weekend but some for just a few hours. Over the last five years I have helped a friend with her 'brain wave' to run this in our town. This weekend was the third one with over 100 workshops planned but they were reduced when numbers weren't as great as the other two years. The first two years I was the administrator for all the ticketing and it was very time consuming.

I found family just got put on the back burned for the two months before and by the end of the weekend I was exhausted. However this time I wasn't as involved but still helped to the build up and over the weekend but I was able to go around the town and pop into different workshops for a few minutes and even went to one for the full session today on healthy eating. It was based on vegetarian eating, exercises and reducing stress. 
Needless to say this may have been our last but part of me will be pleased to have 'my time' back.
Here we are set up for the weekend in the Tirau Dog Information Centre.

I am on the left, Sheryn whose brain child this all is, stands at the back, and Diane the lady who took it, is on the right.

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