
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bearing Fruit for God

I was catching up on some Bible study today and even though what I was reading was from an April study it so seemed to fit for me now, as often is the case. It was from The Word for Today from Rhema Broadcasting Group 
It was titled "Are You Bearing Fruit" and started with the scripture from Genesis 1:28
God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground." 
God said be fruitful. Jesus says the same thing in John 15:16
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.
part of the study said... should be focusing on your character, your eternal rewards and the building of God's kingdom, not your own short-lived agenda...whether you've fallen into the dirt or just settled for living beneath your potential, God won't throw you away. He will lift you, cleanse you and help you to flourish again.
I believe that I have a purpose in God's eyes to be an example and encouragement to woman and mothers to be confident and sure in who they are as a woman, wife and mother. I often share with those around me and have brought my daughters up with examples of these things and I have often been complemented on the way my girls are building their homes in what some would call the "old fashioned way".
At times I have wondered how else I can extend what I know to other woman. Starting this blog to give somewhere my daughters could come to find one of my recipes or other things, I realised I was opening it to anyone else. I thought, 'this is a way I can share to all who check in.' It has developed into a modern way of uplifting, encouraging and witnessing to the world of my faith, God's love and the role of motherhood and being an obedient wife in God's eyes. Its not just for me because even when I have gone it will still be here.

The study then went on to say
"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.- John 15:1-3
Without periodic pruning a vine will only produce a fraction of its potential harvest. Vineyards have only one purpose: to produce grapes. Energy spent on anything else is wasted...To make room for the kind of abundance Christ redeemed you for, He will cut away the parts of your life that are draining precious time and energy from what's truly important to Him...He will even risk you misunderstanding His methods. His purpose for your life requires the cutting away of bad habits and attitudes, wrong relationships, lesser priorities, and anything that distracts you from your highest calling. 

I have found over the last year I spent far too much time on facebook playing the games and other silly computer things, then I wonder why I don't have enough time in the day. Often I will on the computer until late and then tired the next day. Some of my past friends have often been very demanding asking me to call round and then the time turns in to gossip sessions. These are stealer's of time and a lessor calling. I realise God wants to prune them away and I look forward to the blessing he will give in their place.

I pray that you will be encouraged by reading this and know your importance to God

All scripture is from (New International Version)


  1. Hi - I know what you mean about time wasters. I try to limit myself to blog time and then will check emails. Living away from home, I want to stay connected to family and friends, but it can sometims become a trap.

    How are you going with looking after yourself? Let me know how I can help.

    S xo

  2. Hi Silvana, You will definitely need to keep in touch with family while you are away so you don't feel like you have gone to the far ends of the earth.
    I have gone back to keeping track of time so I know when I need me time and feel 'entitled' to it if you get what I mean, and I have lost 1 kg so things are good.
    Hugs Fiona
