
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Beef Chow Mein

This recipe serves four people (our family) but you can add more or less of the vegetables and/or meat to suit tastes and servings. You can change the vegetables around to suit what is in season or even add leftovers at the end. Try to keep it colourful with reds, greens and yellows. The males in our family don’t tend to like eating vegetables and I find this is a great way to get more into them than they realize. Its great warmed up for lunch the next day too. If you want more “zing” try adding some crushed chilies as well or instead of the garlic, to the marinade.

Beef Chow Mein
3 slices of Beef Schnitzel (about 300grs but how ever much you like)
1 onion sliced into thin segments
1 large carrot sliced in half lengthways then on the diagonal into thin pieces
1 cup of thinly sliced marrow (I cut thick slices about 3cm thick;
cut off the hard skin; de-seed then cut into thin slices.)
1 chunk of cabbage (about 1 cup in volume) shredded
1 red capsicum cut into small pieces
2 tomatoes cut in half then in slices
1 dstsp Beef stock
140g pack of ready to Eat Crispy Noodles.

1 Tblsp Soya sauce1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp honey
I clove of crushed garlic. (I didn’t have any this time for I used
garlic granules)
Mix all together and add meat.

Slice the schnitzel into thin strips and marinate while preparing the rest of the ingredients.

Heat 1 tblsp of oil in a wok or very large frying pan.
Sauté the onion for a few minutes and then add the carrot and marrow.
Add ½ cup of water and stock and cook for 7-10 minutes until tender.
Add the cabbage in the last 3 minutes.
Drain vegetables through a sieve keeping the water/stock.
Re-heat the wok and add the beef (in two loads) and stir-fry until just cooked.
Add capsicum and tomatoes and cook for a couple of minutes.
Add the cooked vegetables and stir through.
Make the left over water up with equal amount of cornflour into a smooth ‘paste’ and stir into the chow mein. Cook for a few minutes then add the noodles to heat through.

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