Its a time we enjoy and I love to prepare the food and setting for it. We are all together and enjoy each others company for no other reason than because we can. We may play games, catchup on news, or just sit and read but know all those we love are around us.
Today in the mail I received a lovely card from Jennifer and Jason thanking me for the day and the work I put in to make it a memory.
It just made me smile and almost bring a tear just to know how much they enjoy the day too. And also that they took the time to send me the card was a blessing as well.
I am reminded too of how lovely it is to recieve something in the mail that we can hold in our hand.
With the world of electronics, email, text, answerphones, forums, facebook etc and even this blog we tend to forego the writing of cards and letters. Here in New Zealand there is even talk of reducing the home delivery of mail to just the five working days of the week as the volume has dropped so much. It saddens me as I enjoy mail so much.
So what can I do?
I will go and write to some pen-pals who are long over due from hearing from me and post off the parcel to my daughter.
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