
Monday, July 12, 2010

Mid Winter

I know it is past the Winter Solstice here in the Southern hemisphere but each year at this time our family celebrates the season. As with the traditional Mid Winter of ancient times its a time in the season when there is a need to brighten the home in the dark of winter and warm the insides with good food.

The 20th June also marks the day we moved into our new home, now 20 years ago. So we have combined the two and make it an annual affair for our family and a time of coming together without the rush and buying of presents or countless activities to attend at Christmas time.

All our family were here except our eldest daughter and her partner who live in Wellington.

I had set the table with winter themes of red, green and white. At Christmas I do a gold theme with angels. We don't decorate the house as we do at Christmas with lights trees, and ornaments, just the dinner table where we sit for the meal.

We had a roast chicken which I stuffed with sage, onion and orange stuffing served with gravy. I roasted potatoes, kumera, parsnips, carrots, onions and pumpkin. There was lightly cooked broccoli and cauliflower florets and cheese sauce to go with it and peas.

We didn't have anything alcoholic to drink just sparkling grapetise in red and white and sparkling appletise. There is fruit juice for those who don't want these like our grandson.

Desert was steamed fruit pudding with brandy sauce and whipped cream and for those who don't like it there was strawberry instant pudding and fruit salad.

I also made little gingerbread houses with lollies and there were after dinner mints.

But the best part is just having all the family around for a time of just being the friends that we all are. I do love being a mother at these times and serving a meal while hubby keeps the fire burning and warming the house.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely tradition Fiona. I love getting together with family too. Can't wait to see mine again :)
