
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Chelsea Lemon Slice

I have a few recipes for this slice, but the one I like the best is from the Chelsea website.
I have changed the way I make it as a convenience to me but it is still the same basic recipe.
When we had our big lemon tree there were always lemons to be had at any time of the year and I loved to make this. Two of my daughters, Jennifer and Katrina love it. Sarah rung the other day asking what was wrong with the one she was making only to discover she wasn't using the recipe I use so (as this was the first reason for creating this blog) I have posted the recipe I use so that it will "taste just like Mumsey's"

A day later the icing sugar starts to dissolve
125g butter
1 cup flour
1/2 cup Icing Sugar
1 cup Caster Sugar
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 Tbsp grated lemon rind
2 Tbsp custard powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
3 eggs

In a food processor mix the butter, flour and icing sugar until it forms a soft dough around the blade.
(If you don’t have a food processor simply chop butter into the flour and sugar and mix with your fingers until it forms bread crumbs then knead on a floured board until well combined)
Press into the base of a baking paper lined 20x30 cm sponge roll tin.
Bake at 180°C for 15 - 20 minutes until lightly golden.
There is no need to clean the processor.
Mix caster sugar with peeled lemon rind so the rind is finely chopped and mixed amongst the sugar.
Add the lemon juice, custard powder, baking powder and eggs and process until well combined.
(For this step is you haven’t a processor grate the lemon rind separately, then beat all the other ingredients with a beater)
Carefully pour over the warm pastry base and bake a further 25 minutes until set.
Cut into slices when cold and if desired sprinkle with icing sugar.

I have also taken this as a desert to dinners by making it in a flan dish and having the bas come up the sides to form a ‘case’ for the filling to cook in. I them serve it with whipped cream.

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