
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Playlist - Perfect Time

You will notice that when you pop onto my blog now, songs seem to start!!

It is from my Mixpod which is a selection of my songs I have added to an online Ipod on here.

If you don't want to listen to it, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the little speaker image on the top right hand corner and the mute will go on.
Or if you would like to listen but at a different volume, move the volume control just above the 'mute' button to the volume you would like.

I have added the videos with the songs and if you would like to watch them then click on the 'video' button just under the little screen on the top left of the playlist and it will enlarge the screen and you can watch. These videos are part of what I have down loaded not something I have made up.

I would like to tell you a little about some of the songs I have chosen and what they mean to me. The first one is:

Perfect time 

This song is sung by Máire Brennan or Moya Brennan and I have had a copy of the song for a few years.
It is from her DVD titled Perfect Time
I see this song as God telling us we are not alone.
The things of the past are in the past.
Jesus is the only way to peace and this song is like a reaffirmation of faith.
I am not afraid to learn God's ways and grow, expecting all is in His Perfect Time.

Believe me
I'm not afraid to

Teach me
To learn your ways
Carry me
Under your wings
In your perfect time

Only you
Can dreams come true
Only you
Can make me shine
Only you
Can days be right
In your perfect time

I know You told me that I'm not alone
You know I couldn't do it on my own
See my eyes are older now
Broken dreams behind
Fill my heart with precious love
I know it's there to find

Believe me
I'm not afraid to.....

Precious love
You give me
precious love
I know forgiveness is the key not pride
I want to heal this pain I hide inside
Free my fears and promise me
That you won't let me go
You're the one to comfort me
The past my God You know

Believe me
I'm not afraid to...

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