
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Orange Slice

This was originally a microwave recipe that I have adapted to the oven as I am finding I'm not sure about microwave cooking and its affects on our overall health.

100gr butter
½ cup sugar
½ cup coconut
¾ cup cornflakes
¾ cup flour
Grated rind of one orange

Melt the butter and add the sugar.
Remove from the heat and add the other ingredients.
Mix well and press into a lined 20 cm square tin.
Bake at 180ÂșC for 12 to 15 minutes or until lightly golden.
When cold ice with orange butter icing and cut into squares.

Orange butter icing.
25gr butter
Juice of one orange
Icing sugar.

Melt butter and add orange juice. Don’t worry if you have bits of orange flesh in as it adds colour to the icing.
Mix in icing sugar until you have a spreadable mixture like thick cream. You don’t want the icing to drip off the square.

You may well have icing left over but this can be covered and stored in the fridge for another use and if cocoa is added makes a lovely jaffa flavour as an alternative to chocolate icing. 


  1. Thanks M, Thanks..I have some oranges so I think I'll make some today. It looks nice and easy. The lemon slice looks yummy too, and I have plenty of lemons on my tree again this years. Would theses slices freeze ok?

  2. The lemon slice is delicious. The topping is really like lemon honey and I don't think it would freeze well, but the orange slice should.
