
Friday, October 22, 2010

Tirau Community Board

I can now officially say that I am a member of the Tirau Community Board.
Back in August I was asked if I would stand for one of the four positions as most of the last board were leaving. After some consideration and talk with hubby I decided to stand. Little did I know that only four people stood for the four seats so we were all duly appointed.

Tirau Community Board (four positions) ALL ELECTED - no voting was required
POOLE Geoffrey

The Tirau Community Board is part of the South Waikato District Council and elections for local body councils were this October in New Zealand for the next three year term.
Last night we attended the inaugural Council meeting where, along with the Mayor and council members, we were sworn in to the new positions for the next three years.
Opening address and prayer by Peter Hall
The meeting started at:
7pm                       Kaumatua Jack Simmonds said a mihi/welcome
                              The Waiata Group – one song
      Kaumatua Jack Simmonds will say a karakia/blessing
      Waiata Group – one song
                              Mayor Neil Sinclair - 
                                           Reply to group from Raukawa inc Kaumatua
                              Waiata Group – one song
                              David Hall                            Swearing in Mayor
                              Mayor                                  Swearing in Councillors
                              Mayor                                  Swearing in TCB
Reading the Tirau Community Board Declaration
Signing the Declaration
There were two brief meetings to elect the deputy mayor and a vice Chairperson for the board (Me!!) and the meetings closed with a karakia/blessing and a light supper so as to chat with each other.
Closing blessing by the Raukawa Group
All in all a good night, with the start of something new and exciting in my life.