
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Special Mail

Don't you love receiving real mail and parcels through the letter box.
You open the box and there is something, other that a bill or organisation asking for more money, after you gave to them once before.

As I have mentioned in another post I am on a forum.
The magazine it came from is now no longer in print but the forum is still going as it the website that includes two other magazines. The members are all on-line freinds so we are still posting and keeping in touch.

We had another mystery KK, in that we have been given names and address for someone who wanted to be apart of it. We had to find a calender and post it to our mystery friend. Either one of our area or something the person you are sending to likes.
I have bought mine but am waiting on the address to post it to, but last week I got mine.
It's not quite so much a surprise for me as the others are all Australian so they have to put addresses etc on the packet, (and I will have to to them) but it is still so nice to receive that specail something in the mail.

Not only is it a beautiful calender of the sort of gardens, relaxing places to sit, but there was a post card of the area my friend is from and a lovely little Christmas decoration.
It will go on the tree each year and I will think of her.

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