
Friday, December 24, 2010

A Dairy Farmers take on Santa

Every year a dairy farming family, that some of our children went to school with, put out a display in one of their roadside paddocks. It is usually the week before Christmas and as they are on State Highway 1 every car, truck, tourist and local see it.

It makes me smile when I see the children, now grown ups (like ours) and some still farming on the farm, putting up the display or just come around the corner, forgetting that this family do it and then there it is.

Of course it is not quite PC for Santa but then neither is snow in New Zealand so if you believe in Santa (or Father Christmas) then you have to make allowances.

Yes so Christmas is nearly here.
Take time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas and if you are reading this today in the rush of things...

Psalm 46:10

He [God] says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”

All scripture is from New International Version

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