
Friday, January 14, 2011

Mumma Burgers

For quite a few years now I have made our own burgers and with the entire ingredients 1 tends to be enough (Unless your name is Jason).
Below is a list of all the ingredients I use and how it is put together.

Burger bun (I like to use the ones with sesame seeds on)
Enough mince for one burger per bun
Sliced onions
Tomato sauce
Pineapple rings
Large lettuce leaves
Grated carrot
Grated cheese
Beetroot slices
Oil for coking
A skewer to hold it all together.

Add a little oil to a large frying pan, just enough to stop the meat from sticking. I use an electric frying pan.
Squash as much mince as you can into a large lid. (I use the screw top lid off a large jar of peanut butter) I do not add anything to the mince so it is a real meaty burger.
Drop these on the hot oil in the frying pan. Just make a few at a time as you will need room in the pan for other things.
Add the sliced onions and cook at the same time, turning often to stop them burning. I tend to place them in the centre so they cook in the juices of the mince as well.
While this is cooking wash and allow to drain, the large lettuce leaves, one for each bun.
Grate the cheese and carrot.
When you have turned the burger patty add some sliced pineapple to the pan and turn half way through the cooking of the last side of the burger patty.
Near the end of this time slice the burger buns in half and place cut side down in the pan (I put these on the outside edges of the pan so they don’t get too much oil/fat on them)

Time to assemble…
Place the bottom of the bun on a plate.
Add a meat patty.
Spread the top with tomato sauce.
Place onion rings on the sauce and then a pineapple ring.
Hold a lettuce leaf in the palm of your hand and put inside it, the grated cheese, grated carrot, slices of beetroot and a dollop of mayonnaise. Curl the lettuce up like a parcel making sure everything is still enclosed in the lettuce leaf and trying not to split or break it.
Place this parcel on top of the pineapple and then top all this with the top of the bun.
Secure with the skewer and serve with a large serviette.

Cooks perk - drink the pineapple juice for the can!


  1. Through facebook I noticed this funny Mumsey's Ramblings thing that kept popping up... so what does one do... explores. I think I am addicted to your ramblings now and as I have time I browse through your archives and I am looking forward to trying some of your recipes. I have discovered that you are an amazing woman, there is so much I would never have guessed and through your ramblings I hope to learn a lot. You have also inspired me to begin my own 'ramblings'. Many of the stories you share are so many different things... touching, amazing, knowledgeable and many more... often bringing a tear to my eye. You have made a little piece of something inside me that feels quite nice. Thank you. Lots of Love Anita

  2. Thank you Anita for your comments. I have always wanted the blog to be some encouragment one way or another to those who read it. And if reading the ups and downs in my life and how I come through them all with God, helps then it has served its purpose in more ways than one.
    Hugs to you
