
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Silk Tree

I read in another blog of a lady who posts some photos each month from the past month. I thought I might like to find something a day.

Now that would be a task and so I am going to find something that makes me smile and add it.

I was talking with our eldest daughter Theresa today, while sitting in the sun on the deck, and I couldn't help but noitice the cooling beauty of our Silk Tree (Albizia).
We planted it when she still lived at home over 10 years ago and with each year it spreads out a little further.

Under it by the trunk is a garden seat and table she and a group at Putaruru High School made as part of the YES (Young Enterprise Scheme).

I've talked about it on the Notebook: forum  even having one  member, Wendy from Australia, sit with me on it three years ago

In the autumn the leaves fall and so the sun shines through.

It is good to find something each day to smile about and thank God for.

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