
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Where I Work

After a month’s holiday I have returned back to work and there have been lots of things to catch up on but I am getting there. No-one seems to have filled in any records or other requests that needed dealing with so I have had a few full on days

I thought I would share a little of where I work as I sometimes comment on it.

I work in the Church Office as the Office Manager and so I do many things for the Vicar, other members of the church leadership and church members, and I am most often the first point of connection for people making contact with the church, through phone calls, emails, visits or letters through the mail.

I work Monday to Friday from 9.30am until mid-day and although there are a few basic things I have to attend to each day i.e. answering and checking phone messages, receiving and sending emails, sorting through the mail, opening up the hall complex and checking for damage, unlocked doors etc you never can tell what a day will unfold.

Sometimes it is exciting with lots of requests, visits and messages and others can be very quiet which then gives me time to catch up and tidy up around me.

Some days can be very stressful and demanding and I may even end up working late, coming back in later or taking it home with me, but generally I love it.

This is the church viewed from the road at the north driveway and looking to the left you can just make out the far end of the hall complex, where the office is.

The office is situated in an alcove next to the Vicars office.

Inside it is not a large room by the time you take in to consideration that the computer and photocopier are just to the left of this photo. When the Youth Worker was in here too with their desk it could be quite cramped.

I have moved things around a few times to try to hide most of the cubby holes that look 'cluttered' and allowed myself a view to the door where ever I work.

I have been encouraged on numerous occasions of the good I provide for the church and its people, so I know that for now this is where God wants me to be.

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