
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Little Baby Sets

Design two
Design four

I worked on some ‘little’ projects last month.

Jennifer’s little baby was going to come early and the midwife (having been Sarah’s midwife as well) knew I knitted so she suggested I knit some small hats in wool for the coming grandchild.

So finding some left over wool and knowing how quick small things would take I made two little sets of a hat with matching bootees.

I used the pattern I have for prem and little babies of which I have made a few sets for all the grandchildren - Cleckheaton No. 423, Little Babies including Premature Sizes

There are five sizes in this pattern book with the middle size being newborn and the two smaller sizes for tiny babies.

A very good book for knitting sets for little babies and the 'coming home' set.


  1. Hi I am knitting design 4 and I am having problems decreasing on the hat as I can't seem to keep the pattern correct decreasing as the pattern instructs...any tips would be welcome..Val

  2. Hi VainJack. I am knitting design 4 at the moment too and doing the hat.
    I am however not doing it on a set of needles but just doing it on two size 3.25 needles.
    When it comes to decreasing try rearranging the "space' where you will be doing the decrease so you have perhaps every second cable twist still complete until you get to a part where you just have a sort of rib part right on the crown.
    Or you could just go straight to rib from the beginning of the decrease.
    I found I sort of kept an eye on the 'pattern' for each row and knit or purled the stitch to make it keep the pattern as much as possible.
    Hope that is of soe help.

  3. Thank you very much for that advice, I will try just going to straight rib, I think that is a good new granddaughter was born this morning so I had better finish the outfit so she can wear it...Val
