
Friday, March 18, 2011

Wool Scraps

What does one do with all the ends of balls of wool after the garment you are knitting is finished? I keep them in bags of specific colours and/or in the texture they are. This certainly makes it easier for when I want to find a colour or type to add a contrast colour or do a spot of mending.

Evelyn our first Grand-daughter turned one the other day and her parents gave her a dolls bed. Sarah asked me to knit a blanket to go on it and chose the wool one weekend when she had called in.

I was given some measurements of the bed and just cast on 100 stitches. Because of the type of wool and because it relly had to look the same oth sides I knitted it in garter stitch. I made random stripes alternating textures and colours, beginning and ending the blanket with the same colour.

At first I thought I had made it too big but once unwrapped we discovered the measurements for the bed were on the low side and the blanket fitted perfectly!
And all it took was a bit of time from me, but it was all for the good of making a little girl smile.

1 comment:

  1. How lovley ,it brgs memorie's of mum knitting cloths for our dolls and barbie dolls and little blankets and what not's ...mean so much more than shop brought gifts :-)

    Blessings Heidi!
