
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Corned Winter Stir Fry

I really like corned beef but the rest of the family aren't that keen so a piece lasts awhile and there are also always left overs

I make a corned pasta and this is another recipe with lots of veges. It has a lot of preparation of the veges but its all happening while you are cooking it.

You can vary the recipe to suit what ever you have or want to use. Being corned pasta there is no need to add any salt.

The vegetables are semi cooked so they retain their flavour and the chewing means you take longer to eat it and so get fuller quicker (yes that is right)

Olive oil
Tomato Paste
and of course the corned beef

Heat a large frying pan (I use my electronic frying pan) and add a little oil.

Start chopping the veges into the same size - about 1.5cm cubes.
Fry onion pieces first. Stir. (1 large)
Peel and chop potatoes. Add, stirring as you do. (3 medium)
Peel and chop pumpkin. Add. Stir. (about a cup fill)
Chop carrots. Add. Stir. (1 large)
Allow these 'slow cookers' to fry for awhile stiring them to stop them sticking and allowing even browning.
Chop meat and add. Stir. (about 1 1/2 cups)
Cut up celery and add. (2 sticks)
Chop broccoli and stalks and add. (about 1/2 cup)
Stir and cook for a few more minutes.
Add a good dessert spoon of tomato paste and stir in well to make sure it is dispersed through all the veges and not in 'clumps'.
Taste a little to test if the vegetables are cooked enough and the meat is heated completely.

Now this is such an easy dish it just means working all the way while it is cooking but it only takes about half an hour

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