
Monday, July 23, 2012

A Woman’s Ten Commandments

 1. You shall not be perfect or even try to be

 2. You shall not try to be all things to all

 3. You shall leave things undone that ought
     to be done 

 4. You shall not spread yourself too thinly

 5. You shall learn to say 'no' 

 6. You shall schedule time for thyself and for
thy support network 

 7. You shall switch off and do nothing regularly 

 8. You shall be boring, untidy, inelegant and
     unattractive at times 

  9. You shall not even feel guilty 

10.Especially you shall not be thine own  
worst enemy but be thy best friend...

I can't remember where I go this from but its certainly something to live by when things seem too much.   

1 comment:

  1. Those are wonderful commandments and the pictures are gorgeous too!
