
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Mumseys’ Potato Pork Pie


1 tbsp oil
1 small onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, chopped or crushed
500gr pork mince
1 pk Maggi Chicken Noodle soup mix(26gr)
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 cup (or more) chopped cabbage (approx.)
1 tbsp bar-b-que sauce
1 tbsp flour
¾ cup water
½ tsp mixed herbs (dried)
2 large potatoes

Heat a large fry pan or pot on a medium heat. (A large pot will help stop splashes and overflowing)
Add the oil and fry onion until soft but not brown.
Add the garlic and fry a little.
Push the onion and garlic to the edges of the pan and add the pork in small portions at a time; frying until no longer pink, mixing with the onion mix and then pushing to the edges of the pan before you add the next portion of mince.
When all the pork of cooked off add the soup mix.
Fill the empty packet with water and swish it into the pork so as all the soup is washed out of the packet.
Make a small gap in the middle and add the honey and tomato paste allowing it to ‘melt’ and mix in.
Turn the heat down a little.
Mix the sauce and flour with a little of the water and then gradually add the rest of the water.
Pour into the mince and stir to mix.
Once this is boiling again, sprinkle in the mixed herbs and a grind of pepper.
Allow to simmer stirring often so as not to have it stick to the bottom of the pan.
Preheat the oven to 180°C.
You want most of the liquid to have evaporated and a small amount of thick sauce/gravy to be produced. This takes about 20 - 30 minutes.
Peel the potatoes and slice finely. (About 3 mm thick).
Place in a bowl and pour over boiling water to prevent colouring.
When the mince mixture is cooked, ladle into a large shallow ovenproof dish.
Drain the potatoes and place over the meat slightly over lapping the slices so no mixture shows.
Bake in the oven for 30 minutes or until the potato ‘chips’ have crisped up.

I serve this with roasted vegetables as the oven is on.
If you cut the vegetables up small and pop them in the oven when the meat is beginning to thicken they will be cooked at the same time as the meat dish.

1 comment:

  1. Mumsey, this sounds delicious. I'm going to try it. Always looking for something gluten free and nutritious.
    Thank you. Mary
