
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Chicken and Apricot LOC

LOC you ask, what is that? Left Over Chicken of course. Now you could change that to Turkey if you wanted, or almost ham and used pineapple instead of apricot and maybe a pea with ham cup of soup, but do try this one first.

My Mum and Dad thought it was lovely and I only made it up the day I made it as I was so sick of left over Christmas chicken and wanted to do something different with the left overs.

Seeing how I just made it up with what I had and as I went a long I needed to get it recorded before I forgot what I did so here it is.

1 medium onion
1 clove of garlic
2 stalks of celery
2 cups of shredded cooked chicken
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 pkt cup of soup cream of chicken
Pepper for taste
½ tsp chicken stock
1 cup water approx.
8 dried apricots
1 large tomato

I chopped the onion and fried it in a little olive oil and then added the finely chopped garlic (or crushed).
When they had softened I added the finely sliced celery slicing the sticks lengthwise first and then into thin slices.
Once they had cooked for about 5 minutes stirring so they didn’t stick or burn I added all the chicken shredding it with my fingers as I separated it from the bones, skin and stuffing. (the dog certainly got a nice bowl of left overs.)
I cooked this for about 5 minutes while making up the sauce.
For this I blended the tomato paste and cup of soup with some of the water; added pepper and chicken stock for more flavour.
After adding this to the pan I added more water to make sure the chicken would be thoroughly coated. I then tipped this into an oven proof dish, added some finely chopped apricots and placed in a 180 °C preheated oven to come to a good simmer. I added a chopped tomato (quartered and then each piece halved again) about halfway through this cooking.
I roasted some potatoes and onions in the oven at the same time (Putting them in earlier when I first started making the dish) and added freshly cooked vegetables.

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