
Friday, February 22, 2013

Delivering Katrina to University - Day 1

Katrina our youngest has gone to Christchurch to attend Canterbury University.

Last week we took about a week holiday to take her down and spend some time to ourselves and catch up with family in Wellington. Fortunately Katrina is able to stay with her boyfriend’s family so has not had to pay for the high hostel accommodation and still living in a home environment, has meant an easier transition from moving away from home, across the straight and into new surroundings.

This also meant she didn’t need to take quite as much with her as her sisters did when they went to university. After I had repacked some of her boxes so some things fitted inside others we were able to reduce the volume by a few more boxes and she was able to take a bit more.

As with living in a hostel there is the bonus in boarding  of not having to take any furniture with you. She did want to take her bookshelves but being a kit-set style we were able to dismantle them flat and they slid into empty spaces.

In fact we even have a smaller vehicle than we did back in the days when her elder sisters left home and we still had a little spare space, which was just as well really as Harry and I still had to get our things in for the trip too as well as some picnic things for the trip down.

I had already decided if it didn't all fit in I would post it down rather than pay for the cost of a trailer to cross on the ferry - but there was no need.  We folded down some of the back set to create more room and it did the job.

Saying good-bye to her home and cat, Milly, took its time but we were soon on the road.

I might add here that I didn't think Milly would be that bothered but since we got back home she had meowed non stop for a day and has only just settled back down.

I thought it was me who was Milly's best friend but it would appear I was just the fill in when Katrina wasn't around.

Driving down the north Island we could see how dry the land is, not just in the Waikato but across the nation. We are all experiencing drought conditions and even now, nearly a fortnight later, there has still been no rain.

We stopped for a cuppa nearer to Wellington and Katrina reluctantly posed for the “leaving Home” pic so this is all I have!

She insisted this was her "I'm posing when I really don't want to" pose.

Do I tell you she was very good at acting and drama?!

You will also note that even while traveling she is able to change her outfits.

On arriving at Wellington we had dinner with Theresa and Steven (our eldest and her fiancĂ©). 
A lovely roast leg of New Zealand lamb cooked by Steven.

Then we donned something warm and went for a walk around the nearby Harbour to chat and take in the views.

Some shadow pics of the dwarf's from The Hobbit

Father and daughter deep in conversation while observing something of great interest - or so I am assured.

Then it was up to my brothers for the night so as to get an early start on Monday morning for the Interislander Ferry across to the "Mainland".

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