
Monday, March 25, 2013

Going Home to the Empty Nest

After arriving in Wellington from our trip to deliver Katrina to start university life in Christchurch, we stayed for a day at my older brother and his wife, Gordon and Di’s home.

We are always entertained by the bird life they have visiting their feeding trays.

Normally its is just the many Tui's but this morning we were entertained by a North Island Kaka 

North Island Kaka

We also spent time visiting my parents and then having a lovely meal with my other brother and his wife, Stuart and Liz and Theresa.

Saturday saw us make the trip home passing through the worsened parched land and seeing the mountains nearly bare of snow.

It seemed odd to enter the home knowing that from now on it would be just Harry and me living here.  We have been married for 34 ½ years and had one to all five of our children living with us for 32 ½ of those years.

The start of something quite new.

1 comment:

  1. This will be a strange feeling for a while but with time you start to enjoy the time to yourself again. I'm sure you keep in close contact with K in the meantime. Love all the picture in the last few posts. I had a lovely time catching up on your news. Hugs Sue.
