
Friday, April 19, 2013

Kerre Woodham - Musings From Middle Age

I had seen Kerre being interviewed on TV Ones breakfast show a few weeks ago and thought I want that book.

When I saw that the book was on special offer and Kerre would be there to sign it I bought one and asked for it to be signed, as I was busy at the same time being in a fashion parade (Blog post to come).

I was asked if there was anything special I would like her to say so I just comments that I was a mother of five.

This is what she wrote:

To dear Fiona, 
With five kids I hope you get a chance to sit down and relax and read this!
Happy reading 
Love Kerre x 

I managed to get into Paper Plus before she left and we had a quick chat and a photo opportunity.

Now I must admit its not a very good quality photo. One: its a bit blurred - (but then I didn't take it ) and two: as with a lo of other photos I had take over the last few days there appears to be fuzzy bit. And then I realised. I had babysat our dear grandson Jacob and the two of us had taken photos and I showed him what he had taken (the joys of having a digital camera) but I didn't realise until now that he had touched the lens with his sticky feijoa fingers (Another blog post to come) and so every photo I have taken since then has a smudgy look about it.

Kerre Woodham and me

But hey it helps make the two of us look free from wrinkles so there's a plus.

When she signed the book she didn't know I was not only the Mother of five but the Nana of four and counting

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