
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Family Mid-Winter

Each year in the middle of winter when it is cold and the days are short we have a mid-winter feast.
It’s like Christmas without the hype, commercialism and distractions of other commitments and no need for gifts although I try to have a little something special for each person.

This year I made little gift boxes and placed a little key and a matching bible verse in for the adults. There were nine keys and each key had a different word on it and I looked up bible references to match the word. The children got a balloon and a little toy. 

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess,
for he who promised is faithful.
Hebrews 10:23

To the person who pleases him,
God gives wisdom,
knowledge and happiness,
Ecclesiastes 2:26a

He holds success in store for the upright,
he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless,
Proverbs 2:7

We had the traditional Christmas fare of a roast lamb with all the trimmings but this year we didn’t use the Christmas pudding I had saved from Christmas shopping at Christmas time, as Daniel had made a chocolate cake which was certainly adequate for pudding.

I had made the gift boxes which were placed randomly around the table (except the children’s ones as I had age/gender appropriate gifts in them) and gingerbread houses which were filled with lollies. Flowers, candles and a small Christmas tree were the decorations and the fire was keeping everyone warm.

Daniel, Theresa, Jennifer, Katrina and Sarah
Sean, Evelyn, Ryan, Jacob

This year was specifically special as all five of our children made it home, although not all their partners, and our four Grandchildren at the time (we now have five) were there, so it was truly a happy family time, hopefully one that will be a memory keeper for them all.

I believe that it’s not the money you have or spend, or the gifts you can buy and give but the time spent making memories that will last a life time and on into the next generation after you have gone.

One of my daughters says that she is not keen on the big family dos’ as someone ends up crying over something as it does in a lot of big family times but this time she said no-one did.

Little did she know that indeed there were some tears shed but not from unhappiness.
I certainly will hold this day close as it brought me tears of happiness.

Even though there is still the clean up afterwards and using my best dinner set and silver wear means there is a lot of hand washing to be done, fellowship around the sink and just leaving it for the morning still makes it a blessed day for all.

Don't ask me what the drill was there for on the table but I am sure it was for something good!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos and all those happy smiling faces. Oh Yes .... good memories are made of this. Hugs Sue
