
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Mumseys' Wholemeal Fruit Salad Muffins

OK so that's a long name for a humble muffin, buts its mine - meaning I made up the recipe and I wanted something a bit healthy and the fruit salad part will be explained in a minute!

I am trying to reduce our budget and the wasted food. I have had a bit of fruit in the fridge that has seen better days but not so bad to throw out. There didn't seem to be enough of each fruit to make a muffin using just one sort of fruit the recipe called for, so I thought I would make up a recipe that could use all the fruit I had. So for this recipe you can use any fruit or even just all the same fruit - its your choice.
For me I had a brown banana, a squashy kiwifruit and a couple of sad looking feijoas.
As I thought I might just have the muffins for lunch for a few days, I wanted them to be healthy too.

They were lovely fresh from the oven and still nice when they were cold with a slight spread of butter. Yes they do have a 'wholemeally' flavour but then they were supposed to taste healthy. I am impressed, even if I do say so myself and will use this for any left over fruit.

You could use chopped up apple, pear or nashi. If the fruit is really soft like bananas, mangos, kiwifruit I would suggest you mash it and then the flavour will mix right through. Stone fruit in the summer would be good too, either chopped or mashed if they were really soft and maybe a scoop of passion-fruit.
Hold back a little of the milk; say ¼ cup and add if needed (as suggested in the recipe). This is because some fruit maybe really moist and so contribute to the consistency.

2 cup wholemeal flour
4 tsp baking powder
½ cup brown sugar
½ tsp salt
½ tsp cinnamon

75gr butter
1 egg
1 cup milk approx.
1 cup fruit (mash soft fruit or chop up small, other fruit)

Pre heat oven to 210⁰
Mix all the dry ingredients (first five ingredients) in a bowl, squashing with a fork any lumps in the brown sugar.
Melt the butter in a separate container (either in the microwave or on the stove)
Add to the butter the egg and beat well
Add most of the milk (if at this stage the butter has solidified a bit warm the mixture slightly enough for the butter to be runny again.)
Add the prepared fruit to the liquids and pour into the dry ingredeints.
Fold about 8 times.
If the mixture looks like it is going to be dry add the last of the milk, and fold another 8 times.
Fill a well greased, twelve muffin-tin tray with the mixture (because of the density of this muffin there will not be a lot of rising so the mixture should fit into the tins but don't fill higher than the edge.)
Bake high in the oven at 210⁰ for 15 minutes.
Leave in the tins for 10 minutes before turning out.

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