
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Card Making

Now that I have made more space in my office and actually have three desks set up (one for the sewing machine, one for paper work, letter writing etc and one for crafts) I can now go into the office and do anything I fancy as its all set up ready to go.

A couple of weeks ago I decided to start on some greeting cards. I have made the odd one or two in the past, mainly Christmas ones but I am keen to start using all the bits and pieces I have collected over the years to make cards, scrapbook and other activities and I am getting into it all, more and more. In fact now that I have started its like I can't wait to get on to the next craft or activity.

And as there is only a set number of hours in the day it has also meant that some other things have had to go by the way. One is my computer time, not such a bad thing in the run of life, but it has also meant I haven't been blogging much or catching up with my blogger friends.

But the plus is I have a few things to add so there should be a few entries over the next few days just to keep you up with the play so to speak.

So here is the first. It could really be used for any occasion and has the obvious them of love. I have left a greeting off it so that I can add that when I have decided what I want to send it for.
This second one was one I made especially for my sister for her birthday. One of the reasons I didn't blog it when I first made it was because I didn't want her to see it before I sent it!

And then time just caught up with me.

I have used old cards of pictures from desk calenders for both of them. The other items are just bits I have in a box.

I actually enjoy making them and I will think about who I will send them to and make it special in some way for that person.

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