
Sunday, December 1, 2013

1st December

Today is December the first, and also the first Sunday in Advent as we lead up to Christmas.

This morning in our 8.00am service we lit the first candle; the candle symbolizing Hope.

The first thing that anyone knew about the coming of Jesus was when the angel visited Mary to tell her that she was going to have a baby. Mary could hardly believe it, but she trusted God more than her eyes could see. Faith Box

Isaiah 11
Isaiah 42
Romans 15:13
Remember God gives us hope
Christmas is about God’s gift of hope to us but not just for us
Take some time to think about how God gives you hope.

I have been so busy over the last couple of months organising and running a women's retreat for women at our Church that I have not even thought about the coming Advent and Christmas season.

Last night I made our Christmas cake, so I am starting to prepare.

I want to reflect as I go thorough this time.

I love this quote from the faith box page:

 “Let’s approach Christmas with an expectant hush, rather than a last-minute rush”

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