
Thursday, December 26, 2013

22nd December

I know this is late but...

The fourth Sunday in Advent is when the candle for love is lit.

Jesus was the way God showed us how much He loved His world and everyone single person in it. The birth of Jesus was good news for everyone, not just the important people. God's greatest promise was that He would send a saviour, and this saviour came wrapped up in God’s love. Christmas is about celebrating the best gift ever! Like the angels and the shepherds before us, we sing “O come let us adore him”. Faith Box

Jeremiah 31:3
I John 4:9-10
John 3:16-17
Jude 1:21

The true meaning of Christmas is Love.
It's only because of God's great Love that we even have Christmas.
With out it there is nothing to celebrate at this time each year.
And because of that great Love from God in sending His son as a baby we can receive it and in turn, give to others.
Come and give the gift of Love.

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