
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas 2013

The year of 2013 saw Harry and I experience the empty nest syndrome.

OK it happens to every Mum and Dad who have children when the last one leaves home. Now unlike my parents (My elder brother left home when he was about 40!) it was a long time for this to happen to us. We have five grandchildren already with another on the way, but Christmas this year was the first time in 33 years that we have woken on Christmas morning with no children - what ever age - in the house - and it was odd.
In fact I didn't like it.

Some will read this and think, get over it; I've had that for years; Its not just about kids; I can't wait for it! What ever you response, for us as a family of five children we felt a little bereft. My other brother once said that at Christmas he wanted to be where ever there was children (he hasn't any of his own ) and that often meant our home as there were always some children around.
I now know what he means.

I had known this was going to happen and had even contemplated not putting up the tree (also because the last few months have been so busy and full there just hasn't been time) but in the end I did. In fact I put up two. One with my usual gold decorations and Angel theme and another in reds with a children theme.

But there haven't even been any grandchildren arrive so the candy canes and chocolate still hang uneaten.

I didn't even do any baking apart from my Christmas Cake and Daniel's favourite white chocolate clusters.

But God has been gracious. Harry and I have enjoyed time together and I was blessed with four boxes of mini Christmas mince pies, shortbread, coconut ice, chocolate, nuts and other treats, just for us to munch on. Harry's not into sweet treats really and so if I make any and there is no-one here to share them, I end up eating them all myself.

We have also had the freedom to do what we want, when we want and not having to check if others mind or need to come with us. Harry only has a couple of weeks off and then he is back to work so - like the rest of the year - we are learning to live Christmas as a "couple" again.

I 'asked' a question in our church newsletter:
"When you look in the manger what do you see?"

Little did I know that it was really a question for me.

No matter what your situation, where you are, the 'arrangement's' around you, the people you are with, the question still remains...
"When you look in the manger what do you see?"

The birth of Jesus and the fact that this is what we celebrate each Christmas is the reason for the season. 

I txt all my family on Christmas day "Happy Christmas" and Jason txted me back to say that my grandson Jacob had just blown out the candle and sung Happy Birthday to Jesus.

Sometimes it takes the beautiful innocence of a child to bring it all home to us.

Edited to change what Katrina said on facebook "Yo, you need to correct manger. You've spelled it as manager so everyone is looking in the manager and trying to see something."

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