
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Trina’s Terribly Tasty Triple Chocolate Cookies

Our youngest has been known as Rina, (eldest sister) Missy Moo, (Father) Treeny, (best friend) Trinaaaaa (eldest nephew calling across a café and it’s kind of stuck) hence the name of these biscuits - but I will always call her Katrina.

She rung the other day and asked me to make ‘her’ cookies and post them on here so she could have the recipe.
So here they are and because they are so bad cos they have so much chocolate in them I will have to post most of them down to her!

The original recipe had raisins and chopped macadamia nuts instead of the white chocolate buttons but as our house tends to be one where we change recipes to suit our tastes and what is in the pantry, Katrina made this recipe for her chocolate fix.

125g butter, chopped
½ teaspoon vanilla essence
1¼ cups firmly packed brown sugar
1 egg
1 cup plain flour
¼ cup self-raising flour
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
⅓ cup cocoa powder
½ cup white chocolate buttons
½ cup dark choc chips
½ cup dark chocolate buttons

Preheat oven to 180 °C.
Line two oven trays with baking paper.
Cream the butter, essence, sugar and egg in medium bowl with electric mixer until smooth.
Beat in all the chocolates so they are chopped by the mixer blades a bit.
Stir in combined sifted flours, soda and cocoa powder.
Roll about a tablespoon of mixture into balls and place onto prepared trays about 4cm apart.
Press each with your hand to flatten slightly.
Bake about 10 minutes. Watch them as they can burn without you noticing (my first tray did and these in the pic are from the second tray!)
Stand 5 minutes; transfer cookies to wire rack to cool.

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