
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Time in Wellington

On the first full day in Wellington I was able to go with Theresa while she had some routine tests for her pregnancy. I considered  this such a privilege as we live so far away I haven't been able to really be a part of all her progress so it was good to just sit and chat while she waited.

We then went and had lunch at a favourite restaurant of Theresa's Floriditas  in upper Cuba Street.

I had scrambled eggs with avocado & tomato on grain toast. There were many egg dishes on their menu along with other choices.

Such a wonderful place to just sit and relax and the service was so polite and unobtrusive.

We were sitting just behind (to the right) of the decor divider in the photo below.

After an hour we were on our way to see a few other shops down in Lampton Quay near where I used to work in the ANZ bank many years ago.

I was looking for a magazine I am keen to get on a monthly basis and I also wanted to have a look at the Christmas window displays at Kirkcaldie and Stains as they are always very 'magical', as well as the Christmas shop.
I have always love Kick's as we called it and in our lunch time some of us young ladies would pop in to the millinery department and try on some of their fine hats.

It is a very fine but expensive store even with a doorman. I always imagined that if the Queen were to go shopping in Wellington this would be were she went.

The window displays were a lot smaller now than the full window displays of yesteryear but they were still displays with lots of moving figures. It was with disappointment that we arrived on the third floor to see some store assistants boxing away the last of the Christmas trees and this only on New Years Eve. I don't know if they had an after Christmas sale but there was certainly no real time to pursue some beautiful bargains. Perhaps that was just as well!

So what to do now.
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We decided to go up to my brothers for the rest of the afternoon and so walked to the railway station to catch the Johnsonville unit to Crofton Downs.

By the time we got to the Station there was just enough time to buy a ticket and find a nice seat on the new Units.

Arriving at Crofton Downs we then walked up the hill to my brothers and had a well earned rest before Harry took Theresa home.

Later that night Harry and I had a New Years Eve Tea with Gordon and Dianne. And talked until the year ticked over.

2014 A new year for Harry and I to step out in our new life of a year after our nest emptied.

View of Crofton Downs Railway from Gordon's

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