
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Orange Grape Muffins

If you are a regular at following my blog you will know I don't like to waste anything. This is especially true with food.

Even though Harry and I have been empty-nesters for a year now we are still getting used to how much food is enough for us and at times some things seem to pass their best. One of these was a bunch of grapes last week. It was also more the fact that they weren't as nice as the usual ones I had been buying. So in the heat of our Summer they had started to dry before our eyes on the kitchen side board. In fact they were beginning to look like raisins and as they hadn't actuality turned moldy I thought, well they are like home made raisins so I will make something with them.

We also seem to have a steady supply of juicy oranges on our tree so I made up a muffin recipe combining the two fruit and it turned out quiet nice even if I do say so myself!
Some of the grapes hadn't even dried yet so you could even make this with fresh grapes if you had a plentiful supply.

Orange Grape Muffins

2 cups of self-raising flour
¾ cup sugar
75 grs butter
1 cup milk
1 egg
Grated rind of 1 large Orange
1 cup or dried grapes (raisins would do)

¼ cup orange juice
¼ cup sugar

Well grease a 12 muffin tray.
Mix the flour and sugar together in a large bowl and add the grated orange rind.
Toss grapes in the dry ingredients. (make sure when you remove them from the stork of the grape "bunch" that you don't allow any of the woody part to come off with the grapes)
Melt the butter until warm and add the milk.
Beat in the egg.
Fold liquids into the dry ingredients about 14 times until just mixed.
Some little bits of flour can still be seen.
Fill a 12 tin muffin tray and bake at 200ÂșC for 10 mins.
Mix the orange juice and second measure of sugar to dissolve.
Brush over all the muffins while they are still hot and in the tins.
Allow to cool for a few minutes and for the juice to soak in and then tip out.
If you leave it longer they will stick to the tins.
Use a large spoon carefully around the edges if the syrup hardens and they won’t tip out.

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