
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Harry Turns 60

In January Harry turned 60 and so we celebrated.

It was lovely to have all the family together especially as we couldn't all be together at Christmas.
Katrina and Callum came up from Christchurch; Theresa and Steven from Wellington; Daniel had the weekend off from the farm in Rerewhakaaitu and Jennifer and Sarah with their families meet us from Hamilton.

With every one here over the weekend we met and went to dinner at Five Stags a restaurant and bar in Leamington, Cambridge. It was great to all be together with no-one having to cook, do the dishes or clean up and there was plenty of choice for everyone including the five grandchildren. Some of us weren't too happy with the meals as the meat seemed to be over cooked but that didn't stop us having family fun

Theresa and Steven with niece Natalie

Jennifer and Jason (parents of Jacob and Natalie)

Sarah and Carl (parents of Ryan. Evelyn and Sean)


Katrina and Callum



Jacob. (He wanted to take a selfie)

Some special moments...

 Sarah feeling the baby kick

Yes it did!!!

And this card was from.........

"He ain't heavy...he's my brother...."

I want to sit next to Nana.... No I want too!

You can sit both sides of me and then you will be both sitting by Nana.

Oh Nana that is so funny

Harry and me

So for desert we decided to buy our own ice creams and met down at the Lake Te Ko Utu reserve at Cambridge.

Look at me!
No hands!

Mummy wait for me..

Its OK you can walk with Opa

Watching and feeding the ducks does not mean you can get in the water too.

Ice cream Natalie?

Nope Its too cold and I'm too tired.

All the girls (except Evelyn, she's gone bush with the boys)

The following day we had a bar-b-que with the family and lots of friends and so we took this opportunity to get a group family photo.

What a good idea!
who's baby is this?
Sorry Evelyn that is Opa's seat
I just need to sort the hair!
Is every one ready??
Testing... testing ...testing...

Would someone stop Ryan crying.
Yes well.....
Sean's had enough

Back row: Steven. Jennifer holding Natalie, Jason holding Jacob. Carl holding Ryan, Sarah, Katrina and Callum.
Front row: Theresa (and bump), Daniel, Me holding Sean, Harry holding Evelyn.

But isn't that what family is all about?
Love you all.


  1. Is it too late to wish Harry a happy birthday? Maybe I can get in early for next year! Nice family photo and it seems to be getting bigger all the time. Hugs Sue

  2. No not too late. Yes it is getting bigger but such a joy
