
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The First Flight to Wellington

When I went to Wellington before Easter to see our new Kate and stay with my parents I flew down from Hamilton.
It was a Saturday late morning flight so as to miss any fog that may have closed the airport.
We left Tirau in what we thought was plenty of time to be on time for my final check in call.
Unfortunately it was the day Prince William and Kate who were touring New Zealand were due for a walk around in Cambridge and by the time we were pacing through traffic was heavy and there were delays.

Watching the clock tick by I phoned air New Zealand - twice - only to be told they would not be holding a flight for me.... well I wasn't asking that, just that I was going to be a bit late for check in and they still said it couldn't be helped. So we continued to drive as fast as was acceptable and made it to the airport 5 minutes after check in time.

Harry dropped me at the door and then went off to find a park while I raced to check in...

Well I was told it was fine.
The flight was delayed. Phew.
"Why?" I asked
"We are waiting for the arrival of another plane before the one you are booked on can land."


I knew what she meant... "the royals".

It was due in before the plane to leave for Wellington could land and even disemnbark its passengers.

By this time Jennifer, Jason and the grandchildren had arrived to wave Nana good bye.

So we played and waited...

Finally a large plane arrived.

Once it was stationary the huge air stairs were attached and the cars started to arrive ...

and arrive...

and arrive.

Who were all theses people?

There were so many and that also included huge vans with numerous seats.

We waited, the doors were opened and the people started coming out.

More and more people.

We wanted to see Kate and Prince William.

I mean we had a prime view up there in the airport viewing room and you can see I had my camera pointed to get a good view.

We were almost thinking this must be another flight of just officials etc and maybe the royals were already somewhere else as they had a few duties to attend to while in Hamilton and Cambridge.

But finally wearing a bright green Erdem coat, in fitting Waikato green colour the Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William emerged from inside the plane.

Once they finally reached the ground they were met Hamilton Mayor Julie Hardaker and her husband Steve Perdia and talked with each. After another five minutes they waved and were escorted to their waiting separate cars and driven off to their appointments.

The tea party was held in a marquee with the Mad Hatter in attendance and jellied eyeballs, huhu grubs, flower pots of sweet chocolate mud and crispy chicken lollipops on the menu.

William paid a visit to aircraft factory, Pacific Aerodrome at Hamilton Airport, while Kate attended her first solo engagement of the tour - attending an Alice in Wonderland themed party at Rainbow Place hospice which provides care to kids experiencing grief, serious illness or the death of a loved one.
Afterwards, the couple will reunite to visit the town that shares their title, Cambridge, becoming the first duke and duchess of the title to do so.

Among the locals they'll meet is Cynthia Read, who was commissioned by the prime minister's office to knit a lace shawl for their son Prince George.

The royals then open a national cycling velodrome just north of Cambridge before returning to Wellington.

Soon the hype of the arrival reduced and the plane I was to board had arrived. The passengers disembarked and then another huge air force plane arrived with more "staff, reporters and other security and dignitaries" and they too were loaded into waiting vans and cars.

Finally the call came to board my plane and half an hour late, we were taking off on our way to Wellington.

It was a good day with the sun shining and with a window seat I was able to take some shots.

The Waikato farming land was finally starting to green up again after the second drought in two years.
However by the time we reached Wellington the clouds were thick again and the ride a little bumpy.

We landed arriving over the habour and straight down the runway.

Off the plane I was met by my Mum and Dad who took me around to see Theresa, Steven and baby Kate.

Now that seems familiar but we are told that the choice of baby name had nothing to do with the currant royals who just happen to be visiting New Zealand at the time.

Oh yes we are sure. All the same it is a nice name.

So with the opportunity of four generations of Mothers and Daughters we gathered around for some memorable photos.
Kate, Mum and Theresa
Kate (my grand-daughter), my mum, me and Theresa my daughter
Mum and Dad with Kate

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