
Sunday, November 2, 2014

A Second Birthday

The ladies at our church always like to share with each other when one has a birthday. This year for me, because I had spent my actual birth day with Harry, the ladies  arranged lunch the next day.

I have been to Pancake House Oma, in Matamata a couple of times before (for Harry's work Christmas do a couple of years ago and our Christmas party last year) and I really like the pancakes there. They are light yet thin and you can really taste the flavours of the ingredients you choose to have.

So it was booked and ladies invited but because of other commitments only seven of us shared lunch together.

It is quite authentically Dutch with lots of pictures on the walls and all kinds of items in Delft Blue Pottery, the traditional hand painted pottery which was made back as early as 1512, rest on shelves.

The service is very good and friendly but not intrusive and the food is just lovely, not just the pancakes!

You can have three different sizes and I always get the medium. They come out flat on a plate as you can see in the photo but then after you have added your own seasonings and sauces to taste you then roll up and eat them with a knife and fork.

They didn't have the blueberry ones I had last Christmas so I got my other favourite, apple, banana and raisin.

A dish of golden syrup comes to the table for all to share.

The menus are waited in one corner with tiny delft clogs.

If you order hot chips they come in newsprint cones held upright in special stands.

The hot drinks come with complimentary dutch spice biscuits or speculaas.

Overall just a great place to share a meal with family and friends.

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