
Monday, November 24, 2014

Burt Munro Rally

Harry's gone. I don't mean really gone I mean he's gone on his big adventure.
For a few years now he has wanted to go to the Burt Munro Rally and this year saving all he could for the last couple of years and sorting his bike, he has gone. He is not entering any of the challenges just going down to have fun and be part of it.

Burt Munro is most famously known through the movie made of him The World’s Fastest Indian. He purchased his first motorcycle at the age of fifteen having his first Indian Scout in 1920 – the bike he would continue to modify (with his own custom made unique parts) for the rest of his life. After setting a number of New Zealand land speed records in the 1940s and 1950s his next goal was to compete at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, United States. At 63 he made his first trip to Bonneville as a competitor and there he set a land speed record of 178.97mph. He travelled there a further 8 times setting more world records. His 1967 record of 183.58mph still stands today.

In 2006 the Southland Motorcycle Club created the Burt Munro Challenge to honour Burt. It has since forged a name for itself as one of New Zealand’s major motorsport events. It has a strong local & national following, and rapidly growing international interest. It attracts top New Zealand riders as well as all the weekend warriors, all provided with a variety of exciting events, fantastic entertainment, and famous southern hospitality. The Munro family has generously donated a spectacular trophy which is given to the “Competitor of the Year” at each annual Challenge. It is held in Invercargill.

As the time got closer for Harry to leave he was still working on his bike. I really didn't think he was going to be ready in time and in the end I went online and changed his ferry booking as he hadn't even started packing when it was passed the time he should leave. Then we he did get there he was still 15 minutes late but as it was the 2.30AM sailing they weren't too worried.

So here we have the bike a Kawasaki Voyager nearly packed and ready.

And still a few last minutes adjustments.

Nearly ready...

Helmet on ...opps better give you a kiss now!...

"You're not really going to smoke while you are riding are you?"

"Just watch me!"

And with that he was gone.

 Like I said....

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