It was based on a real life father of eight children Thomas Braden who wrote a book about his life and sadly died at age 92 of a heart attack.
Now for some of you, you will think that eight is certainly enough - in fact maybe you think it is too much when it comes to having children - but for some of us the number of children we have is irrelevant to what anyone else thinks and really if we can and want to then, we just will.
We for one, have had five children and that is not counting the two we lost through miscarriage at twelve weeks. We believe children are gifts from God and we wouldn't turn down the blessing of them even to the extent that we stopped all birth control except natural control after issues with IUD's after our second. This was when we had our first miscarriage and we believe the damage done by the faulty insertion (and subsequent surgery for removal) of the devise was what caused the miscarriage. Natural Birth Control gave us full control of having (or not) children, which we allowed to 'lapse' for when our last two were conceived.
Mark 10:13-14
The Little Children and Jesus
13 People were bringing little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
There are many famous large families around the world and one that is quiet 'famous' is the Duggar family They have 19 children and lost two as well. There are some in New Zealand to name a couple... Craig and Paulette Venables, live in a five-bedroom house in Whangarei with their 12 children; founder and CEO Jane McAllister of Dimples and husband Sam have 14 children.
We have a family in our church who have just welcomed their eighth child into their family and I thought of no better way than to bless them with some baking. So over ANZAC weekend I gathered up some recipes and tried some new ones I had found.
They are posted on my other blog My Julie/Julia Attempt.
There are two different Anzac Biscuits,
Chocolate Chip biscuits,
Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins and
Bible reference from New International Version (NIV)
I had five children too, Fiona. Eight would be way too many!