
Saturday, May 5, 2018

Thursday - Treat Day

So, I try to stick to a healthy diet and it means I don't eat a lot of baking, lollies etc but Thursday's became my treat day.

Every Thursday during the school term we have Mainly Music at Church which is a time of music
and movement for preschoolers and their parent or guardian. They come to the hall and after being greeted and given name tags and a mark on their card, the programme commences with songs shown on a power point and they are invited to sing and move with the actions and sometimes props. The adults who bring/come with the preschoolers are encouraged to join in and participate. After half an hour the children have morning tea and then play under supervision while the adults get a home cooked morning tea and are encouraged to sit and chat with each other.

I tend to come in for the morning tea (and the home baking) and help where needed, maybe in the kitchen, chatting or doing some errands.

The first treat.

While Harry was still working I used to go and meet him for lunch every Thursday and we would go to Ronnie's Cafe in Matamata. It was somewhere he would like to eat at and as from very early on, he found his job hard  (but stayed there for ten years) this was for him. We would always have a flat white and Harry would have three crab sticks with chips and maybe a chocolate leamington. I would spend ages trying to find something healthy but because it was a sort of standard bulk cafe style food I would have to just choose something usually a bit stodgy but at least something I would enjoy.

The second treat.

The next treat was not really for me. But it was for my plants.

I collect all my indoor plants and give them a soak in the kitchen sink filling it to the brim once I  arrange them so they all fit in! They soak for about half an hour and then I pull the plug letting all the water drain away. At the same time I remove any dead leaves and check for bugs or anything then they all get put back.

I soak the deck plants as well in a large bucket, taking them out and letting them drain in a low tub so they don't leak all over the firewood under the deck.

The third treat.

When that is finished the deck gets a good sweep and tidy up. The plant soaking takes a while so I use this time to do the ironing in between swapping the plants around.

If Harry is not inside I will also have a favourite CD playing.

The fourth treat.

As I am our church's Session Clerk/Parish Secretary, once a month I prepare for and attend the Councils meetings and they are always on a Thursday evening. I must admit I can't really say that that is a treat!

I get to take a day off in lieu

The fifth treat.

They may not be big things for some but for me they are the little things that make up a good day!

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