
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

My Christmas Planning

Last Sunday was 25th November - that's a month until Christmas. In the past if I had not done anything in preparation I probably would have panicked. Is that like you?  Next Sunday will be the first Day in advent which means there are only four Sundays before Christmas Day. Does that make you feel worse?

In the past it would have to me, but I have found that being like that, thinking of all the things that I needed to prepared for, to be bought, make and do for one day was just a load of ridiculous stress for me and those around me. But not any more and we still get to have a wonderful Christmas.

So how do I do it ...?

I don't make Christmas about one day. Sure the 25th of December is the day we celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour but I now realize its a season the "Season of Christmas" not just one day. So I turn this season, into Christmas, and not just one day....

And I plan!

If you want to join me then grab yourself a lovely drink and some coloured pens and paper. If this is your first time then just pieces of paper like old exercise book pages or the blank back sheets of paper that come in the 'asking for money mail'  (you know the ones I mean)  Next year or after the Season you can fine tune it into the way you want to do it and make a note book or folder with plans etc.

The first thing you need to do is decide (if its not already been done for you!) where and who you are spending Christmas day with or any other important day that your family have chosen to meet.

You will need to get yourself a calendar for December this year. It needs to have plenty of room for each day. Either photocopy one you have, print one off or just draw one up and write the days and dates. Don't use your planner or diary as this if for Christmas not "everyone else". Write "Family Christmas" in the day this major event(s) will be taking place for you.

Now you can see there are plenty of days yet and we aren't even in to December!

Because I have followed this plan for a few years now I have a slight advantage because to make this be easy, (is that proper English?) you need to have some money put aside. I have been saving all year a little bit every few weeks and I have watched it grow. I still have to stick to a budget but I'm not worried about how I am going to afford everything. Also I don't spend a lot on presents (I leave that for birthdays) and unnecessary expense.

If you haven't got a lot saved mark on your calendar paydays or benefit days so you know when you will have money to buy things. (Don't forget there will be bills).

Now the fun part starts...

Have a blank page and storm ideas. I know this isn't a counselling session or a business plan but I just want you to dream a bit. Think of all the things you love about Christmas and the things you don't and write them down. Think of expectations that you have from family and friends even if you don't want to do them. Are there good and bad memories that you want to keep or get rid of. Are there things that you have always wanted to do or have that you never had or done. Get brain storming and jot them all down (and even if you suddenly remember something that needs doing - just write it in a corner!). Go away for a bit and then come back (with your second drink!) and see if there is anything else you want to add.

Now give yourself permission to circle all the good things and put one line through the bad.
The things in the circles are what you are gong to work on in your planning either this year or over the next few years. (yes we will deal with the crossed out bad things but not at the moment.)

Next get another piece of paper and write Christmas Planner at the top. Write the day, time, place and who will be there for the major event underneath. This is what you will be spending the Season working on - and its fun.

Join me in two days for the next step.

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