
Monday, December 16, 2019

Christmas Planner (8)

Christmas Planner
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7

If you have been following my Christmas Plan that started here, you will have a planner with

  • A calendar 
  • Planner page with added menu 
  • Ideas sheet 
  • Stationary needs 
  • Gift list 
  • Gift shopping list 
  • Book or list of Card recipients 
  • Christmas letter
  • Important dates

This is probably it for the planner, but you need to keep it with you when it comes to Christmas things so you can be sure you are doing/getting what you need and no fall off the wagon. You may even have other things you would like to add to it like favourite recipes, addresses etc.
Keep the planner when Christmas is over for next year so you can use it again and make new lists or  slightly change things you have done. I also like to refer to it after Christmas to note anything I didn't like or forgot to do/add
It's also good as it lets you know what you gave/did last Christmas.

So today we are ready to go and shop.
Now before you rush out the door you need to think of the Christmas song

"He's making a list
He's checking it twice...."

Check your gift list.
Have you got all the ideas sorted?
Are you sure it is what the person wants/needs? You don't want to find they have sold it on Trade Me on Boxing Day!
Check for sizes, colours, title etc.
Sort out what shops you will need to go to, to purchase them.
As I have mentioned before I save for this time but I also need to stick to that budget.
If you prefer to buy online make sure you are only buying what you want not being sucked in by something extra for a few more dollars. Also take into consideration the cost of packaging and courier fees.

You might also like to check your other purchase lists for stationary and non-perishable grocery items.

Now armed with the lists go out for the day and enjoy the shopping. Remember to stick to what you have planned and don't get sucked into all the other enticing displays and adverts to get you to buy more.

Make sure you treat yourself to a nice stop for a coffee or what ever you fancy during the day to reward you successful planning. This is fun.

And please remember this is the time for joy - the true meaning of Christmas is Love.

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