
Monday, January 31, 2022

New Year Up date

At the beginning of 2021 I posted a pic and post on Facebook, reflecting on 2020 and looking forward to 2021 and what it had in store. 

 What a year. 
 I said goodbye to my sister and mother and a couple of dear friends. 
 Harry spent time in hospital... 
 Oh and we had (are still having) a world wide pandemic. 
 Today was like many days ... 
 Daniel called in 
 We went and did some errands, got seeds etc for the garden and had coffee out. 
 Chatted to a few friends and now as the evening draws in I wonder "What will 2021 be?" 
 Already there are things in my diary I am not looking forward to but have to do. 
 But one thing I have learnt in 2020 is that no matter what 
 No matter how far I fall 
 No matter how small my faith 
 God will carry me through and we will come out stronger in what ever area He wants to build in us. 
 May 2021 make you stronger dear friend 

Little did I know what I would be facing in 2021! 
The post came up as "Memories" on my Facebook page and I pondered what I had said and where I was then. 

So at the beginning of this year I posted it again as a memory adding ... 

Who would have thought this year could get any worse than last year 
The Pandemic has taken on new twists and turns both here in New Zealand and the rest of the world, as we struggle from the Delta and now the Omicron variants. 
I had a time in Hospital in March after a Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, incident and correction.  
I had spent quite a few times, flying to Wellington to visit my father who is remarkably still with us at 92, even though he has had declining health this year. 
I truly had started making some tidy up plans and new garden ideas that all came crashing down, just like I did on that fateful Friday the 10th of September. 
Since that life changing event I have had no other thing to do, but look after myself with the amazing help of family and friends, both old and new. 
There are so many who have helped to carry me, and Harry through this time, I don't want to mentioned names. 
But this journey is not over yet with still months of recovery, I never thought I would still be in hospital at the end of 2021. 
But as I have said... 
"that no matter what 
No matter how far I fall 
No matter how small my faith 
God will carry me through and we will come out stronger in what ever area He wants to build in us"
Who would have thought? 
Just know I am living proof of this ❤ 

Over the next few months I will try and post regularly so you can read what happened in 2021

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