
Monday, August 30, 2010

It's funny really - God always knows

I work part time in our church office and one of the many things I do is type up the birthdays and wedding anniversary's for the last week. I pop this list in a little basket along with chocolates, pass it on cards and little stickers or bookmarks for the children.
On Sunday mornings at the beginning of each service the names are called out and if you are there you go forward for a chocolate and one of the other things you can choose and you are prayed for.

Last week was our wedding anniversary, but I had forgotten by the time I got to church this week and was in no hurry to go in and sit down as I had wanted to catch up with the 'greeters' on this week.
The Vicar called me in saying that of all the 6 people on the list I was the only one there.
In my hurry to put my basket down at a seat and go forward I just grabbed a choccy and card un-be-known that it was one I had put in for the men, as most cards have flowers or butterflies on them.
This one had a male runner/athlete on it and I was going to pop it back and get another but the vicar said "No, that's the one you choose".

The words were:
Never, never quit.
That caused a little giggle around the church as those who know me, know of the things that my hubby and I have faced and been through over the years.

It was like God knew I needed this card even to the point of the vicar not letting me change it before we knew what it said.

The words "Never, never quit" are from part of a famous speech Winston Churchill said:

“Never give in, never give in, never; never; never; never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense”

He was a man who suffered from depression so he also knew what hard times were like.


The piece of scripture was from
Philippians 3:13-14

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

It is a reminder that in all things God is in control, so never never forget.

God made certain promises to Moses’ forefathers hundreds of years earlier, and then it was Moses’ time to take his place in the plan of God. Accepting that you’re a small link in a big chain can be humbling, but once Moses understood it he was able to connect with and focus on something bigger than himself.
So he never gave up even though he didn't get to see the end when the Israelites entered the promised land

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