
Friday, June 29, 2012


Bloodlines is the second in a trilogy by TK Roxborogh. 
The story starts in Banquo’s Son which is a sequel to Macbeth and is the story about Fleanace the son of Banguo.  In Macbeth, Banquo is murdered and his son Fleance escapes to his father's words, "Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly!" 

Banquo’s Son picks up Fleance's story, from his home in England with adoptive parents, his falling in love with Rosie, returning to Scotland and finding his place in the royal family and ultimately becoming Scotland's new king.

Bloodlines continues his story. With King Duncan (Fleance's friend) dead, Fleance is now the new King of Scotland but he is the ruler of a divided nation. Rebels who dispute his claim to the throne are raiding villages throughout the country, spreading uncertainty and terror. His place, however, is tenuous and he must take on his own war in order to cement his hold. According to the new king's advisers he must marry a woman from a royal blood line to strengthen his position. It seems that Rachel, sister of Duncan will be the next Queen of Scotland, although Fleance cannot forget Rosie, his first love. Bloodlines is about the two sides of Fleance's heart and those things that seek to break it. One side holds his adoptive father, Magnus - the leader of the rebel army. The other holds his fiancé and future queen, Rachel who is also a healer, who is suddenly abducted away to a life of slavery and torture. His first year as king sees Fleance's position becomes even more dangerous and a bloody civil war seems inevitable. He wages a battle with usurpers, sets out on a secret mission to free his betrothed from her abductors, and learns that being a true monarch is about loyalty, honour and duty. In a world of honour and betrayal the young king must learn to put duty before his own desires.

As the title indicates, Bloodlines traces a trail of blood, frustration and suspense. On the way there are battles, love, torture, faithful servants and dubious English nobility and the story moves between tension, pain, agony and release.

And just when you breathe a sigh of relief, a certain mysterious meeting reminds you that there is still another instalment to Fleance's story.

I have enjoyed this story and am now looking forward to the third due out next year. But I just can’t stop thinking about an elderly adviser who puts his life on the line for the young king and we never really hear of his true fate. I also realise I relay enjoy history novels based on fat set in the early centuries.


  1. Hi Fiona,
    Thanks for following my blog, I hope you enjoy my ramblings.
    I have read this book and Banquo's Son, aren't they wonderful? I'm waiting patiently for the next book. Tania writes so well doesn't she?

  2. I really enjoy historical novels especially when they include facts and Yes I can't wait for the third book to come out next year
